Punjab Twin Terror

  Monday mornings are busy. People wake up to rush to work, to attend to unfinished business, and to set a certain pace to the […]


The dead of night paints our parable. I remember, I sneaked through the doors to have a last watch of you. The rains were modest […]

আহম্মকদের কথা

“আহম্মক” বলতে কিন্তু এখানে বিশেষ কোনো গোষ্ঠী অথবা শ্রেণীকে বোঝানো হছেনা | “আহম্মক” বলতে আমাদের অর্থাৎ মানবজাতির কথাই বলা হয়েছে |      মানুষ সামাজিক […]

Poor man

A wife send her husband an sms on a cold winter evening: “Windows frozen”. The husband send answer back: “Pour some warm water over them”. […]