The changing concept of ‘Heroism’ in Indiam cinema is one of the most contemporary discussed topic in 2018. There was a time when the plot […]
Year: 2018
Hurt Heart!
Hurt Heart! Do you even know the meaning? Probably not, probably you just scroll down as if you are scrolling everyone else’s memes. It’s hurt… […]
আর অপেক্ষা নয়
ঠিক এরকমই এক বর্ষামুখর বিকেলে নিরালা কাফে-তে ঠিক পাশাপাশি দুটো চেয়ারে ছিলাম আমি আর তুই। শুরুটা সেখান থেকেই। বাইরে তখন মুশলধারায় বৃষ্টি। জানলা দিয়ে বৃষ্টির […]
We are sisters!
To my dearest monkey, We are sisters, and no matter what happens, this truth is never going to be changed, because, our relationship is exactly […]
Till the last breath!
‘Till the last breath’ is a romantic – tragic novel by Indian author Durjoy Dutta. It was first published […]
The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert
‘The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the desert’ is a 1994 Australian comdey-drama movie, written and directed by Stephan Elliott. The plot follows two female […]
ভাইয়ের কপালে দিলাম ফোঁটা
” ভাইয়ের কপালে দিলাম ফোঁটা, যমের দুয়ারে পড়ল কাঁটা, যমুনা দেয় যমকে ফোঁটা আমি দিই আমার ভাইকে ফোঁটা” এই আপ্তবাক্যটি আজ ঘরে ঘরে উচ্চারিত হবে। […]
Flourishing In Solitude!
Hey! How are you? It has been so many days, I did not see you! Don’t you miss me? At all? I do that, too. […]
Human Trafficking In India
Human trafficking in India has become a vicious circle which mostly targets children and women. It is spreading like an epidemic. Trafficking is a process […]