My love!

Love that lies in you, Love that cries for you, Love that destroy’s me in you, Love that embraces you in me. Is that love? “No”, she utters with that familiar look… of mixed emotion. All have different aspects of being in love, Sometimes it is as hard as rock, other as soft as pillow. We may climb and conquer or we can fall and drown. Do we understand it after so many rises or collapses? ” No”, she ultimately answers with equal poignancy in her eyes. I do fear in love, I do have insecurities,  I do shiver at the thought of losing you, But I don’t want to bound you up, because my love is free, it allows both our heart to fly higher. If you find another nest to rest, even if you don’t want to come… just stay there, and be happy! Because it is only your smile that truly matters for me, I say with a heart full of love for her. Love bounds us, but my love will never going to stuck your throat, it will embrace our heart forever. I have no complain against you, I hadn’t! Your love always fulfills my heart in a way I can’t look at anything else. I know I did some terrible things but hey my love, its all part of us. “No”, she says with a cute grumpy look. Now can you look at me once, with those beautiful big eyes? Just listen to what my heart says, Hold my hand tightly and this time it will last, I murmur like a prayer to her, fearing that it will vanish if I open my eyes now. Coming closer to me, she whispers, “Let be us, once again, ” And the dream evaporates but stays in my heart. Her eyes still haunts me like a mirage and my thirsty heart will never be fulfilled.
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