Exercise and a proper diet

Are you suffering from weakness? or are you become very fat? then you can follow a proper diet chart given by me. So if you properly maintain it, you can get a healthy and prosperous life. This chart also gives a physical and mental calmness.With this diet chart you should do a regular free hand exercise like walking, jogging,skipping,swimming,or whatever you like. If you like to go to gym you can, but in the maximum field, people go to gym for gaining muscle.
So let’s see about the diet chart with exercise:
1.At first you divide the time,when you take a meal. You should not take heavy food, you should take at least 8 meals in a day.
2. For the proper diet you can not take your likable food like fast food junk food. So for this reason, a food depression creates in your mind. At first, you should move from your mind.

3. We all are human, so we all have crave for fast food. For this, you choose a day in a week. In that day, you can take your likable food but try to take it before noon, not after noon.
4. Let’s come in the part of exercise. You should do it twice in a day but not more than 40 minutes.
5. In a day at the early morning you can walk or jogging for 35 to 40 minutes. And in the evening or night, what you like,you can go for gym or swimming or some free hand exercise like sit up, plank, pull up, jumping etc.

6. A exercise plan can change your mind and bring a refreshment in your body. That can give you energy.
7. Okay! let’s see about some health fruits like apple, guava, cucumber, banana, lime, orange etc. These fruits are filled with vitamin.

8. Fruits also give energy. It maintains our skin and hair. Lemon keeps our kidneys clean. There are so many fruits which help to digest our meal as we take in a day. But one shouldn’t take fruits on a full stomach and try not to take after noon.
9. After all we should drink sufficient water like 3.5 litre to 4 litre  is more than enough. Avoid drinking too much water after the evening.

10. Water cleans our kidney and helps to digest our food. It maintain our skin. The bad things like ammonia, urea etc, water removes it through the urine.
Now I show you time wise taking meal:
6:30am : after exercise you take lite hot water with 2 table spoon lemon juice and 1 table spoon honey.
8:30am : take take 2 bread with 2 cup vegetables.
10:30am : take a boiled egg or curd.
11:30am : take some fruits what you want.
1.30pm : take 2 cup rice, 1 cup dal 1 cup vegetable 1 piece of fish.
4:30pm : take some lite snacks.
6:30pm : green tea with 1 oats biscuit
9:00pm : take 1 bread with 1 cup vegetable.
11:00pm : take 1 cup milk.

You can take boiled egg in 3 days of week and other 3 days take curd and left 1 day that’s your day to eat your likable food.

With this proper diet and exercise you should sleep at least 7.5 to 8 hours in a day.

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