Summer Vacations: A Nostalgic Take

As a student, all of us have eagerly awaited our summer vacations every year. These words are enough to remind one of their nostalgic childhood. They were always equivalent to Nani’s place.

I hated the so called “holiday home works” we got, forever. Hatred to the power of infinity; I mean who didn’t? But these summer vacations had more than just sitting at home and studying.

So, I thought while sitting at home and not drooling how monotonous this lockdown and the so called summer vacations of this year is, let’s take a trip down memory lane. And the easiest way to do so is by just grabbing those old photo albums at home and turning over their pages.

Visiting Grandma’s place during the summer vacations, I think, was a must for all of us as a child. And coincidentally, almost every Grandma had a mango tree at her home. Who can forget those deliciously sweet and satisfying post-lunch mango treats? My mouth’s flooding already.

While going through my albums, I found this old photo of mine, with ice-cream smeared all over of my face. And suddenly, I am thrown back to that day when Mom and Aunt made fresh vanilla ice-cream at home. Readers, I have a confession; am a great FOODIE and you’ve figured it out already. Apart from these, cycling the entire locality, playing games and especially “Gaan er Lodai” (Antakshari) in the evening, long hours of chit-chat and laughter……I mean, just bring me back those summer vacations.

Lucky are those who had their Grandma’s place in village. You get to spend your awesome summer vacations while playing at awesome fields and by beautiful rivers and listening to stories of ghosts, coming from your great story-teller Grandpa. Jealous me. That place would be a sight to behold; so full of lush and greenery, a complete opposite of the eye-sore landscapes of the cities. These were the most common things that happened and memories made in the summers, oblivious of the scorching heat and the blazing sun.

Unfortunately, the summer vacations of 2020 is a complete disaster in itself. We couldn’t even think of leaving our houses, leave alone going out for trips to places. There’s so much negativity going on all over the world and let’s just spread bits of positivity in these tough days.

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