The fast moving pace of influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a profitable one when it comes to products and services. There are many people who often ask me whether Influencer Marketing is a steady industry. And my answer is always Yes! The big reason is that it belongs to the Gen-Z category that understands the mind of the youngsters.

Influencers make their content look lucrative by using minimal props and in this way, they reach out to a larger number of youths who aspire to become influencers as well as making them purchase the products. So, influencer marketing can prove to be a steady and bankable way of marketing in present days and in the days to come.

Starting from various brand promotions and collaborations (National/ International) to movie promotions, all are likely to promote it on a social media account, run by these influencers as they have a huge number of followers that have surpassed many reality-shows audiences these days.

Social media influencers even launch their own small businesses via their social media accounts as they know their followers will make the business profitable and a household name will share it in their own social media stories and profiles by encouraging more and more people to support the business that will make the investors ready to invest in them.

When we say profitable, the next question that comes to our mind is whether the income is sustainable to run an average family.

Well, this part is still heavily criticized. A blogger can earn an average of $2500 per month and some even earn in, let’s not talk about it!

There is also a trend of small business owners to use the influencers to promote their products as they consider influencers to have a visionary approach towards marketing and will fetch them genuine leads and buyers in a short time.

When I was young, I saw that the traditional marketing involved a whole team of marketers to launch a product, promote it and a huge investment for the newspaper ads. As a result, new businesses kept on thriving. The situation is entirely different today.

When I started writing review blogs for my clients, they explained how influencer marketing has helped them get more ROI. One of them even stated that their investment had gone down to almost 70% compared to what they had to invest during traditional marketing era.

That’s right! ROI through influencer marketing is much more compared to traditional marketing and has increased even further post pandemic.

I hope that the momentum remains steady, and I can enter the ‘Million Category’ someday.

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