Mother Teresa Might Be Canonised In The City Of Joy

Mother Teresa, the soul that was devoted to serving humanity all her lifetime, would be conferred with the title of a “saint“, very soon. Pope Francis, recently announced that the canonization of Mother Teresa would be done, early in 2016 .

Mother Teresa

The canonization of this pious soul by Pope Francis was authorized following the recognition of Mother’s second miracle by the Roman Catholic Church. The second miracle by Mother Teresa was the healing of a Brazilian man with several brain Tumors in 2008.

While there are speculations doing rounds, regarding the actual date of canonization, there are rumors regarding the venue of it, as well. Some reports suggest Nobel laureate Teresa who had always proclaimed herself to be “by citizenship, an Indian” might be bestowed with the honor of sainthood in her beloved City of Joy, Kolkata, itself.

Mother Teresa had tirelessly served the entire world and yet the old, rusty yet vibrant Kolkata had always been her ultimate abode of joy. It was here that Mother had spent majority of her lifetime, had established the Missionaries of Charity and had even left for her heavenly abode of eternity from here on September 5, 1997. Such reports of the canonization ceremony to be held in Kolkata, is yet to be confirmed by the Roman Catholic Church. But if Mother Teresa is conferred with Sainthood in her own beloved city, this ceremony by the Papacy, would be the first of its kind, to be ever held in India.

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