‘Super Dad’ Hugh Jackman

Video shows Australian actor “Hugh Jackman” bringing swimmer to shore before helping his 15-year-old son in the rough seas.

Hugh Jackman had some personal drama at Sydney’s Bondi beach when he and his son Oscar got caught in a rip.  In the footage, the actor is also shown beckoning other swimmers to shore, away from a rip current flowing out to sea. A witness, Lynzey Murphy, told Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph that surf conditions had changed quickly but Jackman stayed calm.

“When we got in the water 20 minutes earlier it was fine. Then the water just came up suddenly,” she said. “Hugh just pulled them calmly on to the sandbar. He then said, ‘All right, we are going to walk towards the flags.’” Nine said Jackman was too shaken to speak to TV crews after the incident, which caused the beach to be closed for a short while. Jackman has only recently arrived home after a world tour promoting his new film, Eddie the Eagle.

Jackman appealed to people to wear sunscreen and get regular skin checks.

“An example of what happens when you don’t wear sunscreen. Basal Cell. The mildest form of cancer but serious, nonetheless,” Jackman wrote.

Reuters and AAP contributed to this report

Source: The Guardian
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