I am on my way to getting my International Cosmetic License (ICL) and the famed Christine Valmy International Academy Of Beauty, Kolkata. In about a week’s time, I am going to complete my first chapter, with makeup and head on with full gusto into the second and the third- together. Since January 2016, I am many makeup-looks-in already; trials and errors, loads of practice an of course the guiding hands and the intricate supervision of mentors quite experienced, I can proudly say I am here today to adorn you well. Here are ten things I have learnt from my beauty school so far- important decrees that have set the stone for me to stand on- a platform that would help build my life ahead.
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Respect always
More often than not, I have heard many ‘makeup artists’ belittle their competitors and acquaintances, time and again putting them down in public for their art! I have learnt very well not to do that. Needless to say, with my upbringing and moral ways, I shall never think of doing so. Everyone has their own way to express and curate; I am different from the next, so why the judgment? Christine Valmy has taught me to be respectful of others; their way of life, work, and their personal choices and most importantly, respect leads to being a thorough professional- both ways.
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You don’t pinch pennies
I have been taught to always follow the honest path when consulting with clients. In a bid to make more money and garner more reputation, one must not make stories to provide client satisfaction- on the other hand; one must not traumatize the client telling them of their deficiencies. Pinching pennies to fill your pockets is certainly not advisable; being honest about your prowess and skills, is!
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Honest ones give you tips
Sweet talk is not what the faculty and staff at Christine Valmy believes in; with that being said, they aren’t the ones to hold you to the wall and gun you down. The faculty and staff at the institute sit with you understand your issues and before you make a decision, they talk things out patiently with you and walk in your shoes a mile- help at every instance is available- you have just got to holler these beauty angels.
The importance of grooming
I was never someone who would comb his hair- I kept it messy, long, cropped, short, or just wild, and didn’t bother to groom. Christine Valmy taught me the importance of grooming- not for the sake of impressions to make, but to make me an individual that has a penchant to make a mark in life. Simple grooming is all that one needs to adhere to; the rest falls in place- it makes a difference.
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Experiences stretch you
“Never say never” says an old adage, and I have found this motto running strong at the institute, with staff and students believing in the same. I remember the first day when I walked in- a liner to put was the toughest; needless to say it is a disaster. I have come a long way today. I came out of my comfort zone, I was pushed forth into the world of cosmetics and makeup- I understood how to blend and curate a look, I imagined. I manifested my dream; one at a time- I slowly traversed the waves of the beauty ocean, which seemed unforgiving
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Beauty is meant to adorn
Being the only male student in the institute, not once did I feel left out. From staff to students alike, my ideas and thoughts have been embraced, sans the gender disparities involved. Beauty in its truest form, the institute and its people do not judge. They rather help nurture and grow what you already have within. Christine Valmy aims at bringing out the best on the table, for you and for the rest to see- no short changes here, but the team is behind to support you well.
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People come to you for a reason
I have learnt that people (customers and clients alike) come to you for a reason. Beauty isn’t about a pretty face, or a slender size zero body anymore- beauty is about bringing out the shining personality hidden beneath. People do come to you for a reason, when they know you are an artist. It is only an artist that knows how to read a soul, like no one else can. The trust and faith our clients and customers bestow on us, says it all. Christine Valmy taught me how to nurture and hone that forward.
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As a person that wouldn’t want to mince his words (most of you know this), it doesn’t come easy for me to talk high of a place or a concept unless I experience the same one hundred percent. Believe me not, but do come for services and a makeover, and I shall take you to another realm of living altogether at the place I study. Hoping to see you soon; get in touch.
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With love