Special Story

One year after the earthquake: Nepal

One year after the earthquake: Nepal

Children and young people remain among the most vulnerable, one year after Nepal's massive earthquake. A quarter of those killed —…

9 years ago

জীবন মানে

জীবন মানে.... মুহূর্তরা বাসা বাঁধে অতীতের ভিড়ে , স্মৃতি এসে হানা দেয় অতি অগোচরে | গলিগুলো শুনসান , রাস্তাঘাট নির্বাক…

9 years ago

17 Types Of People You Find At An Indian House Party

People with different tastes and preferences can only make up a perfect party in the Indian society. The intellectual types…

9 years ago

Padma Awards 2016-The Complete List

Padma Awards is one of the highest civilian Awards of the country, are conferred in three categories, namely, Padma Vibhushan,…

9 years ago

Reasons to Love LaughaLaughi

You get instant News about the happenings in the world and around you. - (We are totally hooked online and…

9 years ago

10 Things Budding Writers Should Keep In Mind

The title says it all. Buckle up. Put on your helmet. I'm about to hurt some feelings. Here, are the…

9 years ago

Maggie Smith wins Critic’s Circle Award

The Critic's Circle Award puts forward a candidate for their award annually, the winners of which are chosen then by…

9 years ago

63rd National Film Awards : The Complete Winners List

The 63rd National Film Awards ceremony is an upcoming event during which the Directorate of Film Festivals of India presents…

9 years ago

হঠাৎ খামোখা খেয়াল

যে পাতারা ঝরে গেছে গত কালবৈশাখীতে , তাদের খবর কি কেউ রাখে ? তারাও তো কখনও বাস্তুহারা সেই ছোট্ট ছেলেটিকে…

9 years ago

8 Kinds Of People That Can Just Shove Off

1. Fidgety bed partners. 2. Lazy bed partners. 3. Needy moms. 4. People who feel the need to take the…

9 years ago