- Tell us something about your song “Mann Toh Kiya” Isheta maam.
This song is written, composed and sung by me and Harish Moyal. It is a romantic number which perfectly suits the weather. It is a very nice and catchy tune to go with. It is just the right song for romance.
- The song “Mann Toh Kiya” is ideal for long drives, chill in a rainy afternoon or to accompany warm cuddles in the winter noons. So, how did this song happen?
I had written the song years back. Harish encouraged me to make it a collaboration. And I also liked him a lot as a singer and it happened that I shared the voice in the song with him. After years, it luckily happened and thanks to Harish to revitalize me to make it a full-fledged song.

- Isheta ma’am, what influenced you to make this song?
Today the concept of playback singing has changed a lot in India. There are many bands and singers who got into Bollywood later and one of the things which got them famous from their initial days, is their new version of composition and their own songs. A trend has made a way in India, that if you want to become a singer you can start your career by composing your own version of songs. Today a lot of singers have become writers-singers and even a lot of musicians are also singing their own songs. It’s a new path for the singers where they can write and compose their own songs and can also sing them. Harish and I have taken the decision to write and compose. This is not because that we wanted to turn into music directors but to bring out a new stuff and to project ourselves as singers.
- Being a singer, do you think the instrumental music accompanied in the song has changed the flavor of the song? And if yes, then how?
Oh yes! (smiles). Definitely. The whole song has several layers of different live guitar (played by Shomu Seal) and the Spanish guitar played with flavors of Rumba and Flamenco style to bright up the colors of romance.
- Share your experiences of working with director Sajan Patel.
Sajan is a very talented person. He has done many Marathi films. He is actually “Paralikha Musician” (Knowledgeable musician). He has a formal training and he is like a trained musician. So, it was very easy for him to understand the flavor of this song. The melody, the guitar, everything was easily understandable for him. It is very easy to work with him. He is just the right person to work with, for this song. He is an organic as well as a learned musician. So, it was just great experience working with Sajan.
- How was your experience working with Harish Moyal?
Sometimes you have a different perception of a person and for same happened with me also. I had a different perception for Harish (Harish Moyal). I
always thought him to be more inclined towards classical music, although he is. But after working with him I saw the other side of him. His patience level is just incredible. And the freedom that he gave me for working as a writer – composer-singer was phenomenal. He also contributed a lot in the production. The faith that he had on me was astonishing. I have learnt a lot from him. He has more experience in the industry than I have, yet the faith he showed on me is inexplicable.
- “MANN TOH KIYA” is a song of classic unrequited love story. So, the people who experience unrequited love story, can they relate themselves with this song?
Yes Definitely.
- Any message for your fans.
(smiles) Thank You for believing in us. I would like to tell all my fans that you also shouldn’t be afraid of pursuing your dream, no matter how tough your dream is and what your dream is. Keep supporting, keep giving us the love. Be it good or bad, the main point is just being in touch with us. Every artists need you all to build themselves through your love, support and compliments. Please be a part of our journey. You all are our extended family. Today what we are, who we are it is because of you all.
- Any message for LaughaLaughi.
First, it is such a nice name “LAUGHALAUGHI” and being a bong girl, I can connect with the name. “LaughaLaughi Bepartai” (the word LaughaLaughi) is amazing. Right now, we live a very stressful life. We post pictures using hashtags like #happysunday but are we happy? Any medium or any portal which brings smile on our face and makes the day brighter is the most valuable thing. So, I would like to congratulate you people that you people are taking the initiative to bring smiles on people’s faces and spreading good things all around. We will make sure to share and tell people about “LaughaLaughi” because the name itself brings smile on face. And thank you for having us.