Interview Session with Mr. Satrajit Sen.
“Rush your failures under the carpet and move forward towards your success”- says with a confident and graceful persona , Mr.Satrajit Sen.
- You were into corporate field before Tripod Entertainment. So, what motivated you to be a part of this field?
Ans:- I am in media for quite a few years before I created my own firm. I was involved into television distribution but working for someone else does not give you that pleasure and satisfaction. So, I always sought to do something on my own. Films and Music has been my passion from my young days. So, once you grow older, it becomes complicated to start something clean. I took the risk to initiate with this firm and follow my rage but never knew what would ensue in the future. So far, in these four years, it is progressing and with this advancement it is motivating me to improve on what I am doing by strengthening my passion to succeed in this field.
2. What inspired you to turn your passion and dreams into reality?
Ans:- It is like, It is not a single person or any particular event that inspired me actually. Srijit Mukherjee is a good friend of mine. We both had common interests and thereby both left their job at the same time where I pioneered with Tripod Entertainment. But, by time, Srijit’s success as a film maker motivated me to work in a far enthusiastic way. It is like, you need to have self-esteem and need to trust yourself which inspires you a lot to struggle in this field of huge competition.

3. So, please tell us something about your struggle period that might inspire people to face this huge competition, who wants to be a part of this industry.
Ans:- We are basically not in the correct part of the world. It is like people need to struggle both for their financial and mental stability as they get into the industry. No one can reach their entity just in some few hours or days. In fact it takes time though you pursue your talents. At the end, you have to concentrate on your work and do it honestly which will take you closer towards your dreams. But, to say the truth, we won’t reach any destination because it is all about the journey and we crave to do more as we reach towards a point. I have faced a lot of ups and downs in this stage and probably will face more in the future but am enjoying the voyage in this trendy field.
4. What are your interests that led you to enter this field?
Ans:- Music is my primary interest because before forming Tripod , I had a studio which supported young talents to make their own music albums . Even I have done some albums with established singers. Other than this, I am passionate about reading books as in fiction mostly. Through this habit in me, I have developed my skills in understanding the characters well or taught me the process of film making as we get to see some books are made into films, so accordingly learned a lot from it and will continuously develop myself through this habit. I hardly get time for any kind of social networking though it is quite important to keep yourself connected with the people that informs, educates, entertains and persuades you to know people and improve your work.
- What do you enjoy doing the most, apart from music and reading?
Ans:- Given an option, I wouldn’t have to earn and run a family, I would like to fully involve myself in jamming with my musician friends though it would not pay me anything. But, apart from music and reading, I would like to explore new countries. I like travelling a lot. I have a fascination to learn about new people, states, new food and even languages.
6. Your film “Maach, Misti more..” is a worth-watching film. Can you share some funny incident during the making of this film or may be anything that has happened in related to this world you are working in.
Ans:- There was a filmfare award in Bengali last year. I remember that the director of my film didn’t get the invitation card. He was asked to be there at the gate as according to the managers because it was like no one was at home when they went to his place for invitation. I told him that the film will not be winning in any categories as most of the categories were declared except the national award. Now, the funny thing was that we didn’t even knew that the national awards was about to be declared on that particular day while one of our journalist friend from Times of India called me up and informed me about winning the national award for the film. Infact, she said that, Srijit’s film also won in four categories. At, that point, Srijit was in U.S who was completely taken aback with the news he got to learn from me. It was fun sitting in front of television and checking on the news about winning national award. Thereby, it was fun winning a national award for the film.
7. What are the projects you are working in currently?
Ans:- I am going to start directing my own film very soon though it was about to take off in December but due to a financial problem , the producer faced, my film got delayed. I will be working with a new set of people for this film. Talking about the market conditions, a full too commercial film or a parallel cinema is not working efficiently. I had a plan for the last three years to work with Mir. The film is basically a dark comedy with a huge cast and will entertain you throughout though has not so important message to deliver. The film will make people laugh where I want to utilize the popularity of Mir even in the districts, where he is playing the lead. Other than him, Soumitra Chattopadhyay, Sudipta Chakraborty, Rituparna Sengupta and Sreelekha are part of the ensemble cast for the film. Anupam is scoring the background for the film while Rekha Bharadwaj will hum a song. And other than that, recently, I have released a film directed by Manoj Michigan “89”.

8. What kind of films do you like to watch and make? And who are your favorite actors?
Ans:- I like films which pertains the genres of comedy and thrillers. Talking about my favorite actress it is Madhuri Dikshit who is my eternal favorite and even Chitrangada Singh. And on the other hand, I am an everlasting fan of Amitabh Bacchan . And answering your next question, though my first film is a comedy, I wouldn’t stick to that genre for my future projects. I would like to direct a thriller, say a detective film, may be by creating a fictional character like the recently released film Ebar Sabor. Other than that, I would like to write books after crossing a certain point of my life like my Great Grand-father Dinesh Chandra Sen whose novel in Bengali was the first to be published.
9. Do you ever want to do a film in Bollywood?
Ans:- Yes, in fact I would like to do a film in English too. Doing a Bengali film is like not reaching up to the audiences of the whole country and I want to parade my films all over the world.
10. While going through your profile, We came across a topic “Code Name SRK”. What is it actually?
Ans:- I am doing a theater named as “ Code name SRK” from the group “ Mad about Drama”. They offered me a role which I took up eventually. The timings did work and we did a lot of rehearsals for the play and we hope that it will end with a good notice. The play itself is very entertaining.
11. How was your experience in NASA?
Ans:- NASA was an wonderful experience for me. The Apollo that went to moon is gigantic which is essentially alienated into three parts. It is an enormous one which makes someone intricate to examine it from one end to the other.
12. A quote that you believe in and want to share with newcomers in this field of media.
Ans:- Fundamentally, I follow this quotes. Stop believing in others. Don’t get completely heartbroken and disappointed with your failures. Rush them under the carpet and move forward. Build your own self-esteem and confidence. Believe in yourself and don’t get frustrated if thing doesn’t works out.
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