The year 2024 has not been what I had planned so far. Everything went downhill. I have hardly written and published any article on this website this year, thanks to my fate and maybe the geopolitics and civil wars and incidents happening all over the world that has affected me and my team a lot.
They were right. AI (Artificial Intelligence) has really brought chaos to this era. On one side, the cutting of jobs and on the other, the misuse of advanced technology leading to war between multiple countries.
The world bank reported that the rich countries are losing economy at a great pace and soon there will be scarcity of food and drinking water. The outbreak of Mpox virus is also very concerning and yet we all are busy, in minding our own business as if we don’t care.
Anyways, I tried searching for things to do to overcome this boredom and frustration and I found these websites which gained my attention and I spend at least 15 minutes on them everyday.

Virtual Music Instruments
If you are a part time music composer like me or you are into music as a hobby, you will definitely love this website Not only this website gives you the opportunity to use your laptop keyboard as a small piano keys but you can try various instruments like drums and guitar.
There are other websites as well which offers multi instrument playing sessions, lessons etc., but I like simplicity and musicca offers that.

Online Games For You And Your Kids
Please don’t tell me you didn’t play stupid games when you were a kid? I said stupid because we are now adults and we think these are only for kids. No Dear! They are not. I find myself struggling playing these games at this age LOL! I feel like I am too old or I am stupid myself.
If you really think, you are not one of them, then you can really give this a try. The websites which I am talking about is culinaryschools and Both of them offers mind games and fun games and different calculators. One of them that I like the most is the body fat calculator. Yes, I am a bit fat and I am proud of that! đ
If you are a parent, I would recommend you to show these websites to your kids and let them explore different games. They will learn a lot of things, mark my words!
Foodie Like Me
Do you eat a lot? Like me? Well, I am your saviour then! But, hey! you need to learn how to cook because I cook different stuff and eat them alone. I don’t have a girlfriend. What can I do? đ
You don’t have to google. The website I use is howtocookrecipes. Megan is very helpful. She mentions everything that you need to know about a recipe. Man, she has a variety of taste! If you follow exactly what she has written, you will be cloud nine, mark my words! You will!
Rest On The Internet
Don’t get confused. I understand, not many would like to do the above things while you are frustrated. I too sometimes do not care what’s happening around me and I just wanted to do nothing and feel like I don’t exist. And then, one of my friend recommended me to try Calm. They are truly the No. 1 App to help people relax. If you are from the States, you would have definitely heard about this website from your friend or colleague. I won’t tell you what happens there. Just try it out.
I will try to add more websites here in this article. As of now, these are the ones which I use at least once in a day and I hope you would also be doing that in a few days time. Let me know in the comment section if any of the above actually helped you in any way.
Till then, adieu!