


The night wraps us slowly, its warmth protruding our veins,

With its hues indistinguishable

And mysteries one can’t decipher.

The aroma of its freshness is a refreshment to me

And my love, what about thee?

Tell me, my dear, how does this darkness soothe your eyes?

For it calms my soul like no other.

Our difference creates a distance so vast,

‘Cause you’re a person who’d love the shower of the silver rays

But won’t drown in the depth of the unfathomable firmament-

which holds the shine and sparkle.

This distance, probably seems to tear us apart,

Our love, probably not so strong to put up with our choices.

A nyctophilic, as I am, my dear,

I deny to see the light of your eyes.

And certainly, it is disturbing for you.

But, I wish to sink into the black of your iris,

And unveil the secret it hides, discovering a new life within you.

Will you allow me that, my love?

Will you let me drown in the darkness of soul?

Will you?

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