This Is Not Your Story by Savi Sharma- Book Review

In This Is Not Your Story Savi Sharma talks about transforming life.

I always recall her words from her books-

“You’re letting life write your story. But you can control how that story is written rather than allow it to be created for you.”

This story revolves around four lives-

Shaurya is pursuing C.A but he wants to be a film-maker.

Miraya is a famous interior designer.

Anubhav is a successful entrepreneur who somehow got diverted his job.

Kasturi was happy with her life. She was pursuing M.B.A which she always wanted to do. To quote about her- “…was able to face even the ugliness within this world with a smile and lived with no regrets.”

Four people with different outlooks. Shaurya, Miraya and Anubhav actually struggled and changed their lives.

Shaurya whose parents always forced him to study C.A, finally left tem and pursued the career which he chose for him. Ultimately he became a successful film-maker.

Miraya, a interior designer married the love of her life but things went wrong and she got divorced. She could have been depressed, broken but she chose another path, the path of success.

Anubhav a successful entrepreneur achieved his dreams. Unlike Shaurya, his parents supported him. But unfortunately his parents collapsed and he got depressed and lost his job. But he overcame the situation and achieved back his same reputation.

The path was not easy but they overcame it. Like there is a saying- “Many hurdles may come in your way. But where there is will, there is a way.” Besides it’s a love story that gives LOVE a new definition. Let me keep the suspense about who the lovers were!

We always say that we don’t get opportunities but Savi Sharma made me realize that- “There are opportunities that come and go, like the trains on this very track. You can climb on any train and it will take you down a new path. But you need to decide which platform to stand on and which train is the one that is most important for you.”

It’s so pleasing to read such an inspiring tale. The book deals with the common problem we suffer from, the lack of self-confidence. Reading this book will force you to re-live. It somehow gives us a positive energy and bound us to think that, “Yes! This is not my story and if I want I can really change it.”

The author had such a deep knowledge of psychological insight. Everything she says in her book in so relatable. The beginning is so interesting that it takes a reader breathlessly towards the end. And when it ends- a MAGIC happens. The book answers many queries may be which you always wanted to ask in some part of your life. We complain that no one supports us, but the truth is, “…the only person who can put you on that path is yourself.” The book is full of positive energy and it gives a new hope- a hope to SUCCEED.


About the Author: Savi Sharma, aged 24, is a simple girl from Surat who left her CA studies to become a Storyteller with a mission to inspire and touch millions of lives.

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