Sapiosexuality: A not-so-popular word
Sapiosexuality. A word, so common in this era, yet alien to many. The term has been defined by Wicktionary as “the state of being sexually attracted to intelligence or the human mind”. Strange? No, it is not strange, but it is uncommon. Uncommon, because no one till now has accepted themselves to be ‘sapio-sexuals’. But is a definition enough to know how they are? Rather, how different their life is? No, right? Then let’s get deep into the topic.
Sapiosexuality is just like homo-sexuality or hetero-sexuality. The only difference is that their fetish is different from ours. The words ‘sexual desire’ and ‘pleasure’ hold different definitions for them. But please, do not consider them to be abnormal. They are normal, very much normal, but they have a different outlook for their private interests. Their fetishes include books, music, ted talks, etc. In short, anything which is witty or intellectual.
It’s not easy to accept the fact that a person is Sapiosexual, and the main hurdle is the society. People now-a-days easily judge others on the basis of their sexuality and in this case, their judgement will be more crucial since this term has not registered itself in their minds. The person is even judged by his/her family in some cases. Their parents often tend to make them “normal” and in this process somewhere they fail to realize their responsibility as parents; they fail to understand that their chief responsibility lies in supporting their child. Alas! They ain’t so understanding.
The most surprising thing of all is that we never tried to understand them. There is no “Ted Talk”, no motivation, even not a proper description of this term. People have never approached to realize their individuality, and the pain they suffer from due to this unique nature. Imagine, no one caring about a problem which affects thousands of people, no one uttering a word for them and most importantly, no one understanding them. Do you realize how the situation is? Yes, they are in such a condition, living their life, everyday explaining to people that they are normal.
This is quite alarming. The question that arises is “Why don’t we take an initiative for them, if we can initiate something for every other thing?” and there seems to be no answer so far. In fact, the problem is hardly considered by anyone. The only change we can bring is within us. We should take a step towards the exploration of this topic and should discuss more about it so that people can open up and admit themselves being Sapiosexual. Let’s not make it an alien attiribute, and keep forth our hands to all the Sapiosexuals out there and tell them, “We are with you. You are a Sapiosexual and be proud of your uniqueness.” Let’s make them feel comfortable. Let us all be equal.