Dowry, the social stereotype of our country which makes it’s horrible impacts upon a bride’s parents. It scares that girl’s parents internally and slow poisons them to an eternal drudgery.

“Marriages are made in heaven “, we often hear these types of phrases regarding this social relationship but one question that is being asked repetitively by today’s generation is that, if marriages are so pure then why does a bride need to be burned in the fire of dowry?
Marriages are expensive these days and always will be. It costs a heavy amount of money from both the families. But one thing that costs extra by a bride’s family is dowry. Dowry commitment had started long ago in Indian society but we see exceptions in today’s world. In early days dowry system was kind of a financial support for those bride’s because at that time there was no education or job opportunities for girls. But in 21st century it is a lame excuse for giving the dowry since girls are performing a better work in financial jobs.
Still our Indian parents give dowry as if, it is mandatory to secure their girl’s future in her married life! Illiteracy gives foundation of such notions where dowry is given in the forms of gold, liquid cash, movable and immovable objects, cars for groom’s family in order to satisfy them.

Beggers beg because they have no other options, but an educated groom’s family beg in front of bride’s family only to ensure that the girl they are bringing in their house is from a well wealthy family. As a result the groom’s family demand a huge amount of money and being the helpless bride’s family one has to give that. But even if they are giving dowry, can they ensure there girl’s happiness with that family where noone will respect her after taking the money? We have so many cases of domestic violence in these days , the root reason of that is probably money. Dowry never makes anyone happy. It only makes that girl to look like a commodity in front of groom’s family. It only increases the hunger of groom’s family which will never going to satisfy by that dowry.

In 1961, 20th may Indian constitution announces dowry as “UNLAWFUL” and it can cost one an imprisonment for 5 years and fine of 15,000 rupees minimum, according to 498A of Indian Penal Code and 198A of Criminal Procedure Code. Despite of such an existent law we need proper education to understand that one can never ensure safety or happiness for one, it only increases the probability of impending disaster in a girl’s life.
In this age of woman empowerment, we need to realise the importance of true education not only in the books we read, but also apply it in our regular lives. Parents bring up their girl child with lots of love and care, they give her education to stand upon her own feet with stability, but when it comes to her happiness they agree to give dowry. Dowry harms one’s self-respect and personality. Hence, always say a no to this and give your girl a proper education, instead, and choose.