Teachers Day in India: 5th September

Teachers Day in India

Finally, we celebrated Teachers’ Day on the 5th. Or, as I would call it “Did you forget to bring your lunchbox? Then, why did you not bring your homework? Day. This has been a point of commonality of all Teachers, worldwide maybe. Unlike every year, educational institutions might not have been able to celebrate the 5th of September with pomp and show because of the Virus. But as I said in my previous blog, this Virus is nothing when compared to the spirit and enthusiasm each occasion brings with it.

Had I been standing 10 years back, I would not have been able to think of a way of celebrating this Day online. Thanks to technology, 2020 made this impossible possible. I was overwhelmed when I got to watch the online celebrations of my alma maters. I felt like a 5 year-old, getting the chocolate he’s been craving since long. It was pity that we couldn’t observe this Day at our University. Being in the second year of College, it would have been the responsibility of our batch to arrange for this year’s Teachers’ Day. I was so eager to participate in this. Sigh!!

The Special Celebration

While drooling over and talking to friends on our luck, I stumbled upon these old pictures from school and tuition classes. One specific person, my English tuition teacher, is a gem of a person. She has shaped a great deal of whatever I know today. She had been an inspiration to many. Such a great teacher she is that we never skipped her classes. We were somewhat decent but she never ceased to love us. Naturally, Teachers’ Day was a grand celebration for her every year. From us students singing and dancing for her to chatting with her the whole evening, from the loud laughter that resonated throughout her avenue to the lavish spread of delicacies she put up for us, everything was just WONDERFUL! Man, How I wish I could get back those days!!

The Teachers’ Day Celebrations at School

I had to change my school after the 10th standard. While in High School, I saw a great change in the Teachers’ Day celebrations there. Class 12 were the driving force behind all the grandeur that Day. Apart from the cultural program for the Teachers’, the students had to “become” a specific Teacher for that Day. They even had to take his/her classes. I was the School Captain there and by regulations, I became the Principal. This doesn’t go by saying that I had an eye-opening experience. How could he manage the entire school everyday? I was tired after 4 hours. Hahaha.

While in my first school, I used to participate in Teachers’ Day Skits. With no acting skills in my bag, I used to do voice-overs. But that was tough job! Our mentors started to train us at least 3 weeks before the D-Day. All of us relentlessly strived to be perfect in our parts. We did have moments where we felt that we cannot do this anymore, but the work our Teachers put in brought us back to reality. We might have complained but everything boiled down when the entire auditorium echoed with loud claps and a serene smile on the faces of the Teachers. That was what we wanted to achieve!!


A very Happy Teachers’ Day to every wonderful soul out there!! Do comment how you celebrated  or celebrate the 5th of September!! You might be presenting gifts worth high in monetary terms to your teachers, but all the look forward to is a sweet wish and unconditional love.

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