“Grandma!”- Part 2

Next morning going to Pinky’s room her mother saw that she was not there and found a drawing copy on the bed with a painting written, “My Grandma!”

“Ajay! Ajay!”

Her husband came still dozing, “What happen why are you shouting again?”

“Pinky is not there in the room.”

Both of them searched the whole house and then they finally found that the main door is unlocked.

“Sure she went to that witch’s house. Let’s go there.”

They went out and told some of their neighbors and together they went to that old lady’s house.

“Where is Pinky? What have you done with her?”

The old lady looking confused told with a shaky voice, “I have last met her yesterday morning. I told her that in the evening I will make for her kheer but she didn’t come.”

“Don’t tell lie dayan! We all know you perform black magic”, shouted the one.

Another voice cried, “Don’t try to fool us buriya!”

The old lady didn’t know how to respond and she tried to convince others that she really didn’t know anything.

Pinky’s mother cried a lot in front of her begging, “Please give my child back! How much money you need I will give you.”

Suddenly a phone calls…

Ajay said to this wife, “We should immediately reach police station.”

They went there and found Pinky sitting beside the Police. On asking the police man said that the last night Pinky tried to run from her house and fortunately a loyal lady found her and handed her to the police. Pinky said to the police everything around her Grandma and how her parents and neighbors call her Witch.

Police man then finally taunted them, “Kya shaab itna para likha hokar bhi aap log aisa sochte ho?”

They understood that the old lady was innocent and decided to ask for forgiveness.

On returning they met a neighbor on the streets and she said to Pinky’s mother, “That witch ran away leaving her home! Finally we’re save now”

They were shocked.

Pinky ran to her house crying “Grandma! Grandma!”

But no one was there and she started crying loudly. Her parents came running and hugged her but they found know words to console her.

Few days and a month passed and Pinky was still waiting for her Grandma.

And then one day the door bell rang and it was one lawyer.

He came with some official documents and a letter and he read it aloud in front of Pinky and her parents-

“I am Mrs. Pratima Acharya wife of dead advocate Mr. Asutosh Acharya. After my husband’s death I decided to go and stay in my husband’s ancestral house where I met my little Pinky. I am no witch! I am no dayan! I am an old lady who is childless. I had no selfish desires. I loved Pinky like my own daughter and she loved me back. As I have no one except her so I have decided to handover my husband’s house to Pinky. Here I am sending some formal documents and my lawyer will explain you all the formalities.


                                     Pinky’s Grandma”

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