Solo trip? A guide to cover all your queries

Solo trip? A guide to cover all your queries

Somehow, we all love to travel be it near or far away. Travelling helps to broaden one’s perspective. According to studies, solo trip helps to detoxify your whole mind.

Here in this article, I have listed out some points that you should keep in mind, before going to any solo trip.

1. Ensure your journey route beforehand. So, all solo trip is fun but you should ensure your journey route. Like which transport system you are taking, ensure the tickets beforehand. Know the routes of your journey to have a fair idea.

2. Book hotels or hostels. Check the hotels, see the ratings and reviews and book a hotel to avoid the tension. Also if you are solo travelling, look for hotels as well, they provide you safety as well as hotel like feel.

3. Pack according to your convenient, keep it light. Since you are going all solo, you won’t have anyone to help you with your luggage so keep it simple; just take the basics and you are good to go.

4. Bring your own lock and key if you are travelling in train. It may sound odd, but if you are solo travelling at night then you must keep a lock and key for extra safety. Also it can help you to lock your hotel or hostel rooms as well.

5. A main bag and a solo bag. So having done with packing? Put your clothes and heavy things in one large bag that is the main bag. Put your needed items in your side bag like water bottle, pack of biscuits, tickets, purse, headphones, book etc.

6. Take chilli powder and a small knife. Though you love to travel, solo trip is risky as well. So, take some chilli powder or pepper spray and a small knife, put these in your side pockets.

7. Know where you are going. Plan your solo trip according to your budget. Know where to go, the best places or the best foods, search and plan.

8. Put your money in various places. Like don’t put it only in your purse. Spread it everywhere.

9. Lastly, be comfortable, wander around and just relax. Solo trip is all about embracing yourself. So, put aside your phone for that time period. And just enjoy your own company, do some crazy things, satisfy your soul.

So, here were few tips to keep in mind while you go for a solo trip.

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