Dance Dill Se

Sunday,10th July 2016

This weekend the participants of the dance foundation “Dance dill se” rocked the stage of “MOHIT MAITRA MANCHA” at Dum Dum. They believe dance makes our soul happy , healthy and fit. They did not have any restricted age limit for the participants. They promised to continue such wonderful thought of dancing all forms of dance.

They stated that at the begining they started with few students , gradually they created a standard platform for all . They said ” students who are ready to make their career with dance should take part nearly at the age of 5+.

Types of dance they performed:
1. Classical
2. contemporary
3. Jazz
4. Hip hop
5. Special category for children under  8+
6. skating

They even organized a totally different form of skating dance art . Dance teachers also participated for encouragement of their students.

Few students placed their comments
” This is our first show on stage and we are very excited about our performance , we want our dance to be the best”
The teachers of “dance dill se” are ready to welcome any creative ideas regarding dance.

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