Letter To FIFA 2018 from the FIFAholics


Dear Mr. FIFA,

How are you? Meeting you after long time dude! We, being the Football diehard fans, wait for long four years to meet you. Like someone whose birth date is on February 29 has to wait for 4 years to celebrate his or her birthday on that very day, similarly, your fans have to wait for 4 years to see you. Anyways let us end up the argument and banter with you.
So Mr. FIFA finally you are there in MOSCOW, RUSSIA. Though you are miles and miles away from your Indian fans still your Indian fans are no less excited than the other countries. This year you have 32 teams in your bucket. Oops sorry! Not teams rather your 32 children have come with you for your trip to Russia. You know Mr. FIFA your Indian fans shout for your favorite team and also decorate the alleys, the roads, their houses with the flags of your children who are participating in the game.
Every year you come with storms of excitement and when you go back you make your fans downhearted. Though when one of your children win, the ones who are the fans of your that particular child jump with glory.
Anyways I am ending my letter here. Hope you and your children are enjoying your trip to Russia and are having wonderful time there in Russia.

With love,
Your FIFAholics

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