‘Mondobasar Golpo’ is a bengali film released on the march 24,2017, directed by Tathagata Banerjee and featured Parambrata Chatterjee, PaolI Dam and Kaushik Sen as lead characters;
other popular actors who were roped in for the film are Indrashish Roy,Anindya Chatterjee,Dipankar Dey,Biswajit Chakraborty,Anindita Bose and Dolly Basu.
It is a thriller where the main protagonist Ahana Sen played by Paoli Dam is a cerebral film maker of national reputes, but is a loner in reality after losing her fiancé Ritwick Basu (Kaushik Sen) days before their wedding.
Dr. Sayantan Chowdhury, a renowned psychiatrist played by Parambrata Chatterjee treated her, helped her come out of the melancholy and had been instrumental in making Ahana a successful film maker.
She was snug in her world until she met Rick played by Indrasish Roy. The story is about the various facets of human emotion and how the characters deal with them.It is said Love becomes ‘Mondobasha’(not love), if it exceeds the level of possession. There is no term called ‘Mandobasa’ in Bengali dictionary, however, ‘mando’ bears the opposite meaning of ‘bhalo’ which translates to ‘good’, ‘bhalobasa’ stands for love and ‘Mandobasa’ stands for a twisted feeling that comes with excessive love which is not a thing to cherish.
The plot and the acting were commendable especially Paoli Dam and Parambrata Chatterjee both of them did a wonderful job, the title track sung by Rupankar Bagchi adds into the true flavor towards the climax, so we rated Mandobasar Galpo a 6 out of 10
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