Coffee with Areesz Ganddi

First and foremost, if I am talking about the actor Areesz then, how would you explain the beginning of your acting career?

Ans.     Well, I started acting around 10 years ago. I was always very interested in acting. I began with ads and commercial projects and I had a keen upsurge for working in the films and all, you know, so this was the beginning!

Was it a conscious decision made at an early age or just an abrupt diversion from your regular routine?

Ans.     I was never interested in hardcore academics as I have always been passionate about art. Initially, when I was in Delhi, I joined a theatre group because I did not have any formal training. So, it all began this way. It was always a fantasy, a passion for me to be in the media and to work for the media.

Areesz Ganddi
Areesz Ganddi

I know that you are a brilliant photographer too, as I have seen a few pictures clicked by you. So, how do you actually manage to tackle both simultaneously?

Ans.     Bombay is the city of dreams, where people try to give their 200% because 100% is also less at times. It is difficult to survive and grow here. You cannot expect yourself to be a star in the first instance. I believe, in order to survive here, one needs to make use of his talents more often, rather than strictly restricting oneself to anything particular. It is not guaranteed that work flow will be always regular; there will be slag in the workflow. Hence, these are the times you can actually make use of your skills rather than pondering in disgust.  I started photography during my initial days, when at shoots I often tried using my hands with the camera, clicking photos of my co-actors. And now I want to take it to a higher level, at times you know, you can be the ‘jack of all trades’!

You have acted with Arpita Chatterjee in a film recently. What was the experience like?

Ans.     Well, it was an absolutely awesome experience working with her. She is a very warm-hearted person and I must say that she is very beautiful. We have a number of scenes in the film and were staying in the same hotel in Delhi as well and later found ourselves hanging around together. I also tried speaking in Bengali a little, but she has such a fluent accent that mine was probably nothing compared to it.

Could you maybe give a slight insight into the film?

Ans.     The film is going to release within a couple of months; it is an interesting drama with good music about different characters, their lives and how it intermingles at a later stage. In fact, Raveena Tandon will also appear in the movie.

Now, I am going to shift my attention to the RJ Areesz from the actor Areesz. One person and so many roles. Tell us why you chose not to just act but continue with being the photographer and RJ as well?

Ans.     Like I said before, at times, you need to be versatile and now, since I am a little choosy with my work and as the work flow is not equal at all times, when I’m not working on screen, I can still continue as the RJ of a show that comes weekly on 92.7 Big F.M. , specifically on Saturdays, telecasted over a number of places like Pune, Goa and so on in addition to being a photographer as well.

Areesz Ganddi
Areesz Ganddi


Amidst this busy schedule, what do you prefer doing in the little time when you are all by yourself?

Ans.     When I’m alone all by myself, I generally choose to watch a lot of documentaries on photography these days and go through journals. I also watch short films because at the end of the day it’s my passion too!


I would really like it if you could tell us something about your upcoming projects.

Ans.     The movie with Arpita Chatterjee is called ‘Shab’. I also shot a short film, which is actually in the format of a series called ‘After Hours Affairs’. It has already been released online. Moreover, I am planning for ‘After Hours Affairs 2’ where I would be the director and the actor as well.


If not an actor, what would have been your profession?

Ans.     If not an actor, then a film maker for sure!

Message for LaughaLaughi.

Ans.     Well I think you guys are doing good job! Lots of youngsters coming together and creating such an awesome platform.
I wish all the luck and success to you.


Interview by : Soumi Sen
Edited by : Shreya Agarwal

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