“I am the King of My Mind”, says Bobby Chakraborty

1. A marine engineer, an actor, an activist, a teacher and an executive committee member of West Bengal Federation of United Nation, don’t you think you ( Bobby Chakraborty ) are an absolute justification to a versatile soul. How do you manage everything?

I have always learnt to manage time since childhood and it is not that difficult or impossible job. We all have plenty of time the added advantage is, I’m always very organized and I think this why I can manage everything very easily .

2. Dr. Surjo Sen of “KHELA” has probably been that character which made you win hearts of many and has also boosted up your career, what do you have to say about it? How did your journey begin?

Of course it is very important in my life. I have been struggling as an actor since 2002; KHELA has been the turning point of my life! On the very first day of the telecast I actually felt the difference how life has changed within a few hours of the telecast. ZEE BANGLA, KHELA, LATE RAVI OJHA SIR is always the blessing of my life.
I have been a creative soul since childhood and my school always provided me the platform to showcase my talents, however the usual consequences that happen in each and every family had happened with me too. After school I did BTech as a marine engineer due to family pressure and I joined a very good private company. During leave I was back home and I came across an advertise for the need of an actor in the televised version of Uttam Kumar’s Sanyasi Raja. I had gone for the audition and I got selected. This was the beginning, I got highly appreciated there and I continued my job as an actor. I left my job as an engineer. My secure job would have provided me plenty of money but I would have been lost among the herd, which I dint want to. My family was not at all supportive initially. There have been plenty of hurdles but I dint give up. Now it’s been 15 years I am a part of this industry.

3. How did the journey as an activist, who preached thousands saying,” I AM THE KING OF MY MIND” begin?

My journey as an activist began because I had lost someone very close to me! My uncle (Choto kaka). He was just 29, immensely talented and creative soul most importantly my best friend. This incident affected my family and me very badly. Being an actor, previously a marine engineer everything is within my reach but still I’m always careful about my actions. I have my family, my career and my health which is most important for me. So when as an actor I stated gaining popularity I planned to address the younger generation specially the school kids. I started telling them about alcoholism and narcotics. Gradually a team was formed. We started visiting schools all around Kolkata, going out of Kolkata and now we are also working on an international level. I know everyone will not listen to me but even if one child follows me that’s my reward.

4. Do you think cool factor these days drives youth of today towards narcotics and alcoholism?

Let me give a hypothetical situation, say for example I drink I smoke and etc and probably I bag off my status through such actions of mine wasting tons of money on alcohol and cigarettes and I claim myself cool! Even after being an educated individual knowing that I’m blocking my lungs with tar and damaging my liver with liquor! Do you think I’m being cool? No man I’m being a fool!

5. Being a prominent part of the industry and acting for award winning movies of Tollywood don’t you think clubbing, drinking, partying becomes a part of the glam life?

As I told you I don’t want to do what the herd does, I’m me. I go to parties frequently I enjoy it my way. I don’t want to enjoy in such a way where I’m being harmed or I’m harming others. I don’t want to be someone who gets high on alcohol and ends up killing or driving recklessly or probably killing oneself. I don’t want to be remembered through mistakes rather I prefer being remembered through good works.

6. Tell us something about your production of “MY WONDERFUL WORLD”?

My Wonderful World is based on my friend Srijan who started accompanying me in my campaigns since 2014, our 103rd campaign was indeed very special were we both acted. It was our first initiative to new format of campaigning. However that year I lost him in a car accident which shook me again for the second time after uncle left me. A nonprofit organization in America wanted to honor Srijan; I grabbed on to this opportunity and created a musical drama on Srijan`s life with all his favorite songs. My sister IPSITA MALLIK and brother-in-law DR. SANKU MALLIK has actively helped me in the campaigns in USA before and the recent ones. This is how “MY WONDERFUL WORLD” was created, the play has got huge response I have further plans with it.

7. Do you sometimes feel that the work as an activist hinders your profession as an actor?

I don’t let it get affected as I have told you I am a disciplined person and I’m good with time management , I always try to keep up to my commitments . Hence there is no chance of mixing and messing of the two sides of my career.

8. Where do you want to see yourself after five years, as an activist or an actor?

Well I can’t just be an activist only, how will I earn (chuckles). I need money to carry out my campaigns as well as to surface my needs. I have to be good to myself to do good to others! Acting is my passion I quit my secure job because of my passion. After five years I would see myself flourish in both, I want to escalate as an actor and as an activist. There is no limit of improvement and success only the sky can be the barrier I guess!

9. Cinema, theater, television has always been three separate spheres in the Tollywood industry; there has always been a distinction among the actors from these three spheres. What do you have to say about this categorization working here?

This demarcation is totally evident here I agree. I have been consistently doing films only for two and a half years. Well I dint wave a red signal to television but over the year’s I’m kind of choosy with my work. However at the end of the day an actor is an actor irrespective of his work platform.
10. A message for LaughaLaughi?

This is a prospective platform. It is very important to focus on people who are doing good for the people for the society I think you guys are providing a platform to such individuals. I wish all the very best to all of you and I pray LaughaLaughi takes a big shape and reaches heights!

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