We live daily in our tiny world of existence

We live daily in our tiny world of existence. I don’t want to be a poet or a human for that matter. I just want to be a bird so that I can fly higher in that open blue sky. I often wonder how the birds fly so higher without any worries of falling back on the ground directly.

Daily life is different from others. I want to be like them. Without any worry, without any regret and without any pain. We forget to be free, we forget to breath. One thing that binds every material on this Earth is emptiness or the feeling of loneliness. Everyone has that feeling, we go through it, we feel like cutting our hand. But then something happens and I divert my mind, but the feeling remains there.

All can feel the pain in our hearts. Pain is something we all have in our mind, you want something so truly but fail to get it. I know a boy who makes himself drowned in so much work, the he left no space for feelings. I know a girl who poses a happy face in front of everyone but cries alone. Daily pain and sorrow won’t come.

I know many humans who live a dual life. I know an unhappy couple who fights for that physical intimacy. I know another cheater wife who cheats her husband everyday. Every people has their share of stories. We just don’t get it. We never understand each other. Daily life gets boring when you do the same mistakes regularly.

We smile, joke and hover around but the loneliness never leaves us alone.

37A, a daily bus from Howrah to Nayabad. A girl was sitting there in the window sit. She was listening music absent-mindedly. Suddenly she found a couple, holding hands at the crossing. She felt a pang of tears in her eyes. She forgets the small things that build the big ones.

Time passes, everybody grow up daily without the realisation of what we are missing. Misunderstandings, anger, ego can destroy anything.

Everyone loves and lives daily but forget to breath. Everybody need pacemakers to make our heart beat going active. But they forget to tell our dear ones, that we love them so truly. They love them so truly that our words felt short.

I envy each and every couple for their innocence. Cheers in the name of new loves. Prithu and Nush, I envy you both. Sree please be bold and talk to him. Shubharthi you should follow your heart. And lastly Kuheli, dear you know what love is for everyone, don’t bound for just one. Everyone must express what we feel surely daily.

Lastly for me? Well I have my own room, a stained pillow, a headphone, few pictures and… the memories daily.

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