Cineframe International Short Film Festival of India

What happens when short films, documentaries and animated films from 16 different countries across the globe are featured in one screen under a roof? It becomes a time to remember. An event to be proud of for years to come! On 28th December, 2015 from 5pm at Sujata Devi Smriti Sadan, 34 short films from all across nations like U.K, USA, Italy, Iran, Singapore, Mexico, India and so on had been given a unique identity!

The event continued for a couple of days more, till 30th December, 2015. CISFFI has organized such a grand event for the celebration of global cultures, an awesome blend of traditions and tastes, and to deliver socially important themes and messages.


These 34 featured films or documentaries were submitted by several independent film makers following the basic set of rules implemented by the organizers. The people in responsibility of choosing those films amongst other had to keep in mind the originality of script, quality of production, clarity of sound, and image quality. These are the few things upon which these films were judged to be chosen for the big day screening!

All the short films or documentaries were made sure to have been completed before 1st January 2008. They were divided into two categories, one had films of run time up to 15 minutes and the other category had films up to 25minutes including both end credits.

Cineframe had hoisted this wonderful event for encouraging independent filmmakers of exceptional quality, usage of unique and smart technology and uplifting story line which is a bit different form the monotonous mainstream.

This event had been such a popular one that there was none other better way to end a year enriched with the aesthetic essence of short films! Cineframe has again won hearts and built in confidence in participating filmmakers!

LaughaLaughi is the proud official web and media partner of such an event.

written by : Semantee Raha
image courtesy : Cineframe
Original Copyright © 2014-2016
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